Oyster Butter Pasta



  • 6 oysters

  • 1/4 tbsp butter (straight out of fridge)

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 tsp of lime or white wine vinegar

  • 1/4 cup of parsley

  • 1/4 cup of parmesarn cheese

  • 3 garlic cloves sliced

  • 75g of pasta

  • Salt and pepper


  1. Boil water and add pasta. Do this step concurrently with other steps! (This is when you’ve got to time everything very well so that your pasta is still aldente!)

  2. In a pan on low-med, place butter. The butter should almost caramelize and add garlic. Cook the garlic for 1 minute.

  3. In a bowl, place 10 chucked oysters, olive oil, garlic, and parmesarn. Immersion blend the sucker until it’s smooth and silky. Add lime or white wine vinegar and mix thoroughly.

  4. In the same pan of leftover butter, add 1/2 cup of pasta water, parsley, and pasta that’s t-1 minute until aldente. Mix thoroughly for 30 seconds and add the sauce. After another 30 seconds of cooking it is ready to serve!

Inspiration from Sunday Pasta !!!


100% recommend having an immersion blender in your house. This bad boy changes everything and saves space. Although a blender may not be as useful as a food processor but it is much easier to clean. I got mine for $20-$30 and it has been handy for sauces and puree a lot of vegetables!

When it comes to cooking pasta while making sauce, remember that it takes 5 - 10 minutes to boil water depending on the volume of water you have in a pot. During the time you are waiting for water to boil, you should prepping all your ingredients or in certain circumstances, the sauce itself. For most of my pasta recipe, the ingredients are so easy to prep you can do it at the same. Try working on your timing skill for this oyster pasta as well!